
Showing posts from July, 2022

Taoist (Tantric) Erotic Massage

  Do you enjoy your body? Do you accept your body as you are? Is your whole body alive? Can you feel every part of it from your big toe to the back of your neck? Would you like to feel more erotic? To enjoy the pleasure that your whole body can give you? To enhance your sexual energy?   Then a Taoist (Tantric) erotic massage may be for you. Tantra, the art of spiritualizing sexuality, offers practical tools to transmute fear and attachment into love and universal power.   I will let you experience them so that your own experience of your sexuality can become more loving, less selfish, more self-giving.   What you learn you can share with a partner; in fact, partners are most welcome.   Tantra is the total surrender, or letting go of all mental, emotional and cultural conditioning, so that universal life energy can again flow through us like a river without any effort. It is a letting go to universal love.
